Q: Must both ‘O’s use the same reflecting disk radius
A: Yes
Q: Do the sources reflect, refract, or absorb.
A: No, the sources are 100% transmissive.
Q: What is the thickness of the source, annular absorber, annular partial absorber, and reflective disk shown in Figure 3.
A: Source, annular absorber, annular partial absorber, and reflective disk are all assumed to be infinitely thin and located near Z=0.
E.g., The thicknesses for source, annular absorber, annular partial absorber, and reflective disk shown in Figure 3 are only for illustration purposes.
Q: Is the equation for total logo flux missing an ending ‘)’.
A: Yes, it should be Flux1(1+2π(1-R2disk)) [Note: Problem page updated on 27 Sept 2016]
Q: When light hits the reflective disk is there any loss passing back through the source
A: No, the source is transparent.