
The International Optical Design Conference (IODC) normally occurs every 4 years and provides the opportunity for attendees from around the world to interact in a structured and yet informal format. The IODC will cover a wide range of applications and developments throughout the industry, and the conference is co-located with two other timely topical meetings: Optical Fabrication and Testing (OFT), and Freeform Optics.

During the past few years, many areas of optical design have seen rapid development driven by a combination of increased demands on system performance, significant advances in both computing power and design software, and by new manufacturing technologies that offer entirely new engineering options. With such an increase of activity occurring throughout the optics industry, it becomes imperative for designers, engineers, and scientists to keep up to date with the latest state of the art. Keep in touch with news of IODC 2027 on this website.

IODC 2023 was held 4 June – 8 June 2023 in Quebec City, Canada. The in-person meeting hosted over 400 participants for the conference and exhibit. For those who missed the meeting, Quebec City is a beautiful city but it seemed every place you went was uphill. .

Design problems for lens design and illumination design were a big draw and we remembered the passing of several members from the design community that had passed since the last meeting. 

We look forward to meeting again in 2027 with details to following.

Meeting Registration

Optica, formally The Optical Society (OSA), will be the meeting manager. Information on paper submission, hotels and meeting registration will be posted at on the Optica website closer to the meeting date.